

 The Moving Forward outreach team gives High School and College students a chance to experience the power of outreach. The group is led by our Director, Madison Hicks, and consists of numerous young artists. Together, we build workshops and programs to share the healing energy of dance and give back to communities by sharing art. 

If you’re interested in joining the outreach team, email your resume along with a statement on how you could benefit from this program to movingforwarddallas@gmail.com. Must be 17 or older and willing to work with children. 

 Past Outreach Events:

Dallas Children’s Hospital on August 1, 2019

Embrace Texas Foster Program in August 2, 2019

 “Moving Together”

We are thrilled to have a growing partnership with Embrace Texas Foster Program and to be hosting our second event for the children this summer! “Moving Together” is a series of free livestream dance classes for foster children and their adoptive families through “Embrace Texas” that emphasizes community building and provides the children with a constant and consistent outlet in our evolving lives. It will consist of one 45 minute dance class every Saturday of June and July, 2020. This is open to the entire family and no prior dance experience is needed. “Moving Together” will not only be a wonderful outlet for the kids but will also focus on bringing the adoptive families together. 

If you are interested in having an outreach event with our group held at your facility, please contact movingforwarddallas@gmail.com today.